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Contact & Payment information

Secure, on-line, credit or debit card ordering is available by clicking on the relevant collection you wish to purchase either through its listing in the Collections Tab or the Shop Page.

Please note you do not need to set up a Paypal account to use the paypal payment route. There should be button at the bottom of the initial Paypal screen that gives the option of 'Pay by Debit or Credit Card' that you can click to bypass the need to set up an account.

The Paypal system will ask you for your billing address and also give you an opportunity to enter a different shipping address if you need this option.

You access the shipping address option by unchecking the ‘Send to my billing address’ tick box once you are in the Paypal payment system. If there are any issues with this function, please email: to let us know.

If you prefer to pay using a cheque or money order use the following details and you can fill in or download our order form by clicking here for a Word version or here for a PDF version. You will need to add on payment for postage – the quickest way to check this is to go to the Shop page, click on the relevant book(s) you want to order and then add this amount into your order form and payment.


Make cheques/postal orders payable to Highland Music Trust, then send to:

Highland Music Trust
c/o TMSA

The Signal Box, 5 Appin Lane

Edinburgh EH14 1JL


E-mail -
Tel - 0792 253 3915
